There is only 1 type of Chocolate I like...

. 4.29.2008

This blog is dedicated to all my brotha's out there of the darker complexion. I (PERSONALLY) love...LOVE brown skin/dark skinned men. There is nothing wrong with light skinned men but there is something EXTRA SPECIAL about the dark one's. I feel like the darker the complexion the stronger you look and ain't nothing better than a strong man....makes you feel like he can do anything. I feel protected with my darker brotha's, like if we were out and some shit popped off I don't need to be worried. With light skinned men I feel that they just look too pretty most of the time...and if we went out I feel like I would have to watch your back because a nigga might test you since you're cute and soft looking! Most dark skinned men have beautiful colgate smiles too.....and it compliments their complexion SOOOOOOOOOOO WELL. Dark skin is usually buttery smooth too. They just remind you of a nice tasty chocolate bar.....and all women LOOOOVE chocolate (except for me...I don't really like chocolate). They're sweet, dark, and they are all around! Tyrese, Tyson, Idris, Denzel.....the list goes on and on, but you don't have to be famous to have your beautiful dark/brown skin appreciated. Ladies the next time you see a man with a darker complexion stop him and tell him how lovely is skin is and how he is a Nubian King and that a Queen like yourself is the only one worthy to stand by his side (that might have been a little extra but WHATEVER). Too all of my light skinned male readers out there....I don't think less of you, there are plenty of you that are top notch, but I just think so Highly of the Darker Black men....and to all of you out there I just want to say that I may not be a fan of chocolate, but a chocolatey man is a whoooooooooooole other story!


Anonymous said...

I feel you on dem chocolate brothas girl. There's nothing like 'em, esp. if they have a body like a line backer mmmhm. Kudos to you for being real...

pure_n_o_cence said...

Amen...I love a good dark skin man too...Don't get me wrong, I love light skin men too. Well, HELL I LOVE MEN, period!!!

Patiently_Waiting said...

Yes gurl!!! there ain't nothin better than a strong chocolate brother...LAWD!!!!

B. Linnell said...

This post on how you feel about Dark Skin Men are the exact reason why some men feel the same way about Light Skinned Women with Long Hair.

Its all preference.

I don't understand how you can feel this way and say this...
"Too all of my light skinned male readers out there....I don't think less of you, there are plenty of you that are top notch, but I just think so Highly of the Darker Black men"

but get disgusted when a nigga tell you he like Light Skin Women... Just my opinion.