I was told that I was doing a lot of male-bashing.....I don't agree, but I'll switch the game up for ya'll! So...I definitely have my opinions about females as well as males. So this jawn is about Ms.Attention Whore! I hate Ms.Attention Whore b/c she is annoying to the point of suicidal tendencies. This broad wants attention from EVERYONE but mostly from men, if there are no males present then she wants attention from whoever will give it to her. This is your friend that is always crying, she always has men problems, family problems.....this is the bitch with PROBLEMS basically. Now let's say you are at a gathering of some sort....and you are talking to a dude (he's just a friend) but then here she comes butting in the conversation trying to make herself the center of attention! You just wanna scream "BITCH GO SIT DOWN SOMEWHERE!" She is the queen of exchanging information too....like if YOU (by yourself, that broad is across the room) meet a group of dudes all of a sudden she comes out of nowhere and quickly catches up on the conversation so towards the end she can be like "lemme get your number." LORD JESUS.....bitch breathe! Now lets say you are talking to another home girl like "girl I can't wait til' next weekend," here she come with "what's going on next weekend?" Umm...clearly I'm not talking to you and I don't feel that I should have to wait til' she is not around to talk about things I want to do WITHOUT HER! My memory isn't that good, so when shit pops up I need to talk about it then and there or it will be lost in the mist of my mind FOREVER. She has to be included in EVERYTHING or she's upset and probably somewhere crying about it. One of her favorite things to do is SICE whatever male attention she gets. She will tell you some mess like "oooh girl this dude was all over me at the party, I gave him my number and he STAY callin me," when in all actuality she probably booked him and text him later that night....so whatever to you crazzzyyy! But the worst quality about the attention whore is that she is a Friend-Stealer.....if you introduce her to your friends chances are 15 minutes after the original introduction she has gotten all of their information...including their SOCIALS, and is making plans for the upcoming weekend, somehow managing to EXCLUDE YO ASS! I hate friend stealers, get your own damn friends....SHIT! Friend stealing is a sure-fired way to make it so that you meet NONE of my other friends OH especially the MALE friends. The attention whore also likes to flirt with men that she thinks you MIGHT be interested in.....like if you say the most simple shit about a nigga like "oh his SOCKS are cute," next thing you know they are best friends, walking around holdin hands skippin and shit....sharing candy and.....I don't know what the hell they're doing but they just got too close too soon! And somehow she manages to put her phone down in front of you in the middle of a deep texting session with this nigga just so if you happen to glance at her phone you will definitely see that shit! NOW WHEN I PICK UP YOUR PHONE AND CHUCK THAT SHIT AT A WALL, YOU ONLY HAVE YOURSELF TO BLAME. Basically what it boils down to is that the attention whore is the DEVIL.....plain and simple.....I don't know how to stop her b/c I don't want to give her ANY ATTENTION...that's all she wants in the end anyway!
Unfortunately the Attention Whore is like Bitchassness. People develop these disorders and don't even notice the warning sides to their downward spiral of bullshit. I HATE and I REPEAT, I HATE Attention Whores... they are one of the main reasons I have a cussing problem because I see their asses and just wanna be like "Bitch sit down and shut the fuck up"! Its said this situation was so funny to me but so true. That's why I don't let bitches get close cause they always trying to claim shit as they own than over step they boundaries. NO NO HOE SIT DOWN!!!
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