Don't DO IT...

. 12.03.2008


Bustin out the windows of someone's car......ILLEGAL! If he really wanted it then he would have put a ring on need to remind him! Please do not let Beyonce' and Jazmine Sullivan have you fooled! You can not do the same irresponsible shit that they sing about. Beyonce' has a ring on her shit, bitch SHUT UP. And if Jazmine busted out somebody's window her PR people would have a fucking fit. Don't get it twisted Single Ladies is my jam but by no means is it my anthem! Therefore I'm not about to hit up some old boo's talkin' bout "if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it!" You're just setting yourself up to get either played or cussed out, you're gonna look silly as shit regardless! And no nigga is about to make me upset to the point where if I act out my rage I end up in handcuffs.....some HOW! They say things like what's in their songs because it's entertaining so please whenever you feel like acting out one of these songs remember....Don't DO IT! If you weren't on TV before then lets not have COPS be your only avenue for getting on their NOW. PREEEEEAAAAAACH!

What the hell is inside of me?! Pt.1


I have decided to do a series on a specific topic b/c I feel there are many different points that could fall under this category. If you are a female have you ever wondered what the hell was inside of you that makes you sooooooo different from a man? Clearly I'm not talking about the physical aspects but the shit on the inside, the emotional stuff! What is it......DNA....sweet baby Jesus? Who knows! But I'm going to point out some of the things that we do or handle differently.

Why is it that when a female starts talking to a new guy (friend or more) she shows her girls pictures of him? Its like a given, like she has to and trust we have all done it at least ONCE! Whether its through your phone, through facebook, through an email....HELL....I don't know if you send a Sketch by carrier pigeon, but your girls will see what this *New NEW* nigga looks like. Do you do it b/c you want to hear what the other girls think? Like if they say "Oooh girl...he is fine!" then you are immediately satisfied b/c you're like "haha BITCH...he is fine and I GOT HIM!" Or is it like when you get a new outfit, you just want people to see you with it b/c it looks good on you? Or is it like a new just wanna show people so you can be like "Just cause ya'll nigga's ain't gettin new shit, doesn't mean I'M NOT!" Who KNOWS why we do it....but we do! But please remember you can't show everybody because some of your friends want a *New New* nigga too and they will take him anyway they can....even if that means snatching him right from under you....TRIFE LIFE! Back to my point....I wonder if guys do this too? I doubt they do.....I highly doubt it actually. I don't believe that when I guy meets a new chick he shows photos of her, maybe he talks about her....but providing actual documentation of her existence....naaaah I doubt it. I have more guy friends than a little bit and none of my nigga's have ever showed me pictures of some chick they were talking to, they might have talked about her but never has a photo been shown. I guess we'll never know what the hell is inside of us that's NOT inside of them! And this is only the tip of the iceberg my friends.....there are soooooo many more differences to come!

Mr.Not Quite

. 12.01.2008

Have you ever met a guy who almost has it all but he's NOT QUITE all the way there?! I met one and he kind of turns my smile upside down! LOL....when I first met him he asked me for my number and I gave it to him b/c that's just what I do....if I can't find a good reason not to give it or take a number down then I'll give it, sad...I KNOW! But he also talked to a friend of mine at the party and not only got her number but he hit her up the next day as well....I mean we came to the party together, you couldn't have picked a strangers number to get? So that immediately told me that he was just racking up numbers that night for Gawwd knows what reason and that I needed not to take him seriously. So he would hit me up and ask when we were gonna hang out and I would be like you know whenever is cool, you seem like you'll be a great new friend....note I specifically said FRIEND!!!!! So whenever I saw him it was always in like a group setting and what not so that no one gets any ideas, but the sad part about it all is that he is actually a really great guy. He's very intelligent, good sense of style, very honest, and nice when he wants to be.....but this goes to show that sometimes how you start the race will determine how you end it. I mean I could be the only one missing out in this situation but that's a chance I'm willing to take because I don't have time for the games. He was sooooooooo close....but Not Quite!