I'm a blogger for myself, first and foremost.....but I keep the readers in mind too! Haahaa. AnyHOO....I've been adressed by ppl requesting more posts on relationships or to start addressing sex related topics. These aren't things that are in my daily train of thought, so I just don't blog about them OFTEN. BUT....a friend of mine also believed I should include more of these topics on Cop(e)acetic and in turn volunteered to address these issues. Because she is a free spirit and her opinions on these issues might be scrutinized bc she would be judged by societies DOUBLE STANDARDS that the BOTH of us think are unfair and WiZAck, she has decided to conceal her IDentity. You can just call her Nola....Nola Darling, after the beloved character in Spike Lee's She's Gotta Have It [check the movie out if you haven't already]. So this is the beginning of the Nola Darling movement on Cop(e)acetic. If you have any questions or topics you would like Nola to discuss just send her a Dear Nola email [so we will know who u are addressing] to Copeacetic@gmail.com. Lets get this ball ROLLING! XoxoXo
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