I'm not sensitive.....you're just a DICK

. 7.21.2008

I hate being called sensitive....because I'm faaaaaaaaaaaaaar from it. The only people that call me sensitive are usually ASSHOLES, and they only call me sensitive because their dick's who don't want to come to terms with the fact that they are such a thing. It's so much easier in a situation where someone gets offended, for the offender to say that the offendee is sensitive, basically placing all of the wrong doing on the victim. "Oh no, I'm not being the biggest dick in the world, you're just being sensitive or emotional....what's wrong with YOU?" Umm...no Bitch, what is wrong with you? You actually have 60 seconds to come to the realization that I am not sensitive and that you just had a real prick moment, and if time runs out and you haven't done so then I will proceed to show you how the opposite of sensitive I REALLY AM by condemning your whole existence! Watch who you call sensitive or watch who you're being a dick to.....you might have just offended the first person that will make you cry in a VERY LONG time!



B. Linnell said...

oh damn... you went hard again...

I think you might be sensitive because of this blog posts... but its COOL cuz you're funny and we all are sensitive to some degree.

non sensitive people are the ones who usually walk away from all situations and completely ignore that "the dick" even said anything. they usually don't even give "the dick" the satisfaction of being told that they were wrong.

they just take two of these and walk it out to the next part of the day without any thought or care in the world.

BG IN KC said...

Now granted I have been called and ASSHOLE more times than I would like in my day but I still think your sensitive!!!!
Love YA