Thank You

. 1.03.2009

"Be polite!"

Any good parent raises their child to be polite, so when we're young we're told to say Thank You in appropriate situations. You get a gift from your Grandma...."Tell your Grandmother thank you!" Things like just seems commonplace. But does the phrase "Thank You" hold the weight that it really should? I feel like people just say it now because its automatic like you don't really even think about it anymore. I know I if someone holds the door for me, tells me "God Bless You," or other normal things like that. But when someone does something really great for you are you truly thankful or is it just another automatic response? If you say it five times, "thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou," it doesn't mean more if you had said it ONCE! It only means something if you really mean it, like you thought about the act that was just done for/to you or the thing that was just given/taken from you and it completely changed your state. You are happier than you were before, your worries have gone down, things like that, or is it just another event in your day? The next time someone does something good for you.....I would suggest that you say Thank You and mean it, because its hard to hide it when you DON'T!

Listening to: Lies by The Black Keys