Ball of CONFUSION!!!

. 6.07.2008

Men don't understand women.....Women don't understand when relationships exist, where is the understanding in it all? Men don't understand why their women go off on them sometimes and women don't understand why their men still do the same dumb shit that causes you to cuss them out! WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? If no one has any understanding of the other person then what are we doing? Do we get involved with people hoping that we will finally uncover the mystery of the opposite sex, or do we do it because being perplexed is FUN. I think that in the beginning people are just hoping to learn things about the other person and if a relationship comes out of it then so be it, and while in this new relationship you realize that you may never fully understand the other person but you will learn the ins and outs to not getting cussed out on a daily basis! Eventually after being around people for a certain amount of time you learn their triggers, what makes them happy or what pisses them off. Even if you don't understand the triggers, you know what they ARE and that is all that matters. If you know that when you press the red button that it will launch a missile that will cause the end of days, then common sense will tell you not to PRESS IT, you don't need to understand why the world will end if you press it, just that you don't need to press it! So in the end I think that the only thing we understand in a relationship is that we're not ALWAYS going to understand, and that's ok.....but you should always use common sense and that will help avoid the end of your days!